I'd like to greet everyone after some time. Due to all the news that happened in our life, I can not promise that posts will be as frequent as they used to be (at least until I go on maternity leave), but that does not mean we stopped playing or recycling, I simply have a lack of free time for posting.
Recently The Older damaged one comfortable flats she enjoyed wearing. No big deal, but it is not nice to see it. I have been thinking for a while how to repair them, until one day an idea crossed my mind - to cover them with some flowers and to make them even more beautiful than they were originally.
This is how they looked like before:
And after my intervention:
I simply took the lapels that were left from our wedding (yes, I still keep things like that) and pasted them to shoes with an universal glue. It's very important to let the glue dry well, in order to prevent possible detaching.
Do I have to mention how The Older was thrilled with the result and she did not want to take them off her feet? We will see how to deal with the challenges of playing in them, but the shoes have certainly passed the house-walking-test.
P.S. Click on the pictures below and visit some awesome linky parties I'm participating in.