Monday, January 14, 2013

DIY carnival fairy costume

The Older was very sad when we undecorated our Christams tree so I explained to her how soon there'll be a carnival and Valentine's Day and how at any time of the year we can look forward to something and make something, because decorating a Christams tree is not the only cheerful event of the year.

Of course, she wanted to make a costume immediately, just after we undecorated the tree. She has not yet decided whether she wants to be a fairy, a princess or an angel, but lucky for me, these three roles can be attributed with almost identical accessories.

And so we made the wings first, following these instructions. We bended the metal hangers from the dry cleaner's into the desired shape and connected the two wings (good tongs were very helpful by this step) and "stitch" was wrapped with some masking tape.

After that, we wrapped the wings with a pair of transparent stockings 
and I sprayed them with some 
gold spray:

As you can guess from the background of the last picture, spraying was performed outdoors, because the scent is quite suffocating in a closed space, and it's easier to avoid potential stains on the furniture. In the end, we decorated the wings by using textile colors. After the colors had dried, I fastened an elastic rubber band to the wings, which will serve as shoulder straps. We also made a pair for The Younger as well:

Since it was much fun to us, we made another pair. Honestly, this one reminds me more of an airplane propeller, however, its owner had no objections.

All together, it looks something like this:


I agree with those who say that it is not a matched color scheme, but since this is the costume for my girl, I let her to choose the colors.

I bought a skirt at this season's sales, and you probably recognize the top of the heart shaped stick, from one of my previous posts where it was an ornament for the tree. I made the wands ​​inspired by this idea .

The crown was simply made according to the template from the site

Here I have more close photos:

Now, I hope the costume will survive till Carnival, because the Older does not want to take the wings off, she's running around the house stumbling into furniture. Or should I say flying?  

At the moment as I write this, the crown has already been damaged. 

Disney Costumes_468x60

What will be your mask in a carnival? See here if you need an idea. 

223808_Melissa & Doug Halloween Costume Sale - Save 15% - Now thru 10/31! Use Code: COSTUME15! Click Here!

P.S. I also recommend you to visit these great linky parties.

Beccis Domestic Bliss

Tip Junkie


  1. This is adorable! Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me party! I've had a few people say they can't find my buttons, so I moved it to a more prominent spot on my sidebar at

    I was already following you via Twitter, but I have now added Facebook, Pinterest & G+!

    1. found it, copied and there it is! Thanks again for hosting!

  2. That is so cute! My daughter would love that.

    1. I encourage you to try it, it is definitely very easy to make!

  3. Those are so cute! I'm going to make those for me...28 is ok, right? :)

  4. I'm 31 and intend to have one on the carnival, so I think 28 is definitely ok :)

  5. Those are gorgeous. Well done mom.

  6. What a great idea! I am always looking for photo ideas with props.
