Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fun in the snow

Crazy weather these days! After 70 centimeters of snow last week, now we have warm weather, yesterday the temperature was 10 Celsius degrees above zero, as it is April, not January.

Yet, such a huge amount of snow can't melt overnight, so we'll enjoy it while it lasts. As a true optimist, I see winter as an idyllic time - watching the snow from a warm room, with a cup of tea or mulled wine (as long as I do not have to drive in snowy conditions!). And when we go outside, besides making snowmen  and ice-skating or snowball fights, we can have fun on the snow in many other ways. Here are some of them.

  Snow painting

Who says you can't paint on the snow? Bottle with a narrow opening, some water and food coloring and here's a cheerful, colorful rainbow. I'd like to thank the blogging colleague for this great idea .

Children will definitely love this sort of activity, but you should be careful they don't get wet.

Feeding birds in a creative way

Let's not forget the birds. It is necessary to leave them some food, because in these conditions, they hardly find any food so many birds die of hunger. Besides classic birdhouses, which you can create even out of milk cartoon , food can be left in the snow. If you make a cheerful drawing, kids will be thrilled. We made ​​them a heart, in honor of the upcoming Valentine's Day, and be sure to take a look at this great bird mosaic .

See here for more information about feeding birds. Birds will be grateful and will come back to your garden in the summer, when they will gladly exterminate insects that are bugging you, it will be a real treat to them. Sparrows, blackbirds and titmice are regular and dear guests in our garden.

Need more ideas for fun in the snow? Look here 
And how do you have fun in the snow?

P. S.: This is the blog hop I participate in: 


  1. That looks like fun. Maybe I could convince my son to stop making snow angels (actually, he's just laying in the snow getting wet!)

    1. Glad you like it and thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi Irena, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the SITS Saturday Sharefest.

    What clever ideas! I love the birdseed in the shape of a heart.

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  3. Glad you like it! I'm your newest follower on FB and Pinterest!

  4. Our weather has been crazy, too! It snowed a few inches on Monday, and then Wednesday is was 65 degrees!

    Stopping by from the blog hop. I'm your newest follower. I hope you can stop by my blog and follow me back!


    1. Of course I'll follow back ;)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I wish we'd get some snow.

    1. The snow is not a problem. Look here for ideas how to make a snowman without any snow ;) -
