Monday, February 18, 2013

A fishing game - DIY

Looking for a great indoor activity? How about these cute little fish?

Maybe it seems complicated at first, but I assure you, they are really easy to make and kids will love them.


Step one - a fishing rod


Every fisherman knows that there is no catch without a good fishing rod. To create a rod you'll need: metal hooks (from clothes hangers), a piece of string and a stick. Just tie it all together and you have a simple fishing rod: 

Step two - making fish 


For cardboard fish, you'll need the following: some cardboard and some wool / thicker thread or a ribbon and crayons for decorating them as well as a holepunch.

Cut two pieces of cardboard in the shape of a fish and decorate them as you like.
Make holes with a holepunch, through which you'll pull string and in that way, connect the two parts. While binding, ensure that the loops are not tight, so that children can catch fish (see the tail of a fish on the photo bellow).

This one turned out the best:

For rag fish you'll need: old socks or mittens, buttons for eyes, a bit of string and some  fabric scraps for filling.

Take the sock (or a mitten, like us). Sew two buttons that will be the fish's eyes:

Fill it with fabric scraps and tie it with a piece of string / ribbon:


And it's also important to make loops, so that children can "catch" the fish. 

It didn't take much for fellow fish to gather:

There's plenty fish in the sea ...

Let the play begin!

P.S. I'd like to thank these awesome bloggers for inspiring us:
223808_Melissa & Doug-Leading Designer of Education Toys!! Click Here!


  1. Replies
    1. Glad you like it and thanks for stopping by! I've also found some interesting ideas at your blog. I-ve just pinned that felt flowers headband!

  2. This is so cute! My daughter would love this game! And it's being featured today on Inspiration in Progress! :)

  3. Thank you for bringing me the great news. This is the first time ever I've been featured, so I am very happy and excited about it.

  4. This is a great idea! And you're completely right, my boys would love them. I may just have to try it. Happy SITS Day!

  5. HAPPY SITS DAY...what a great and creative idea...LOVE IT

  6. It looks like so much fun. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love the sock fish. Another cute and doable idea for a toy or a fun game at a party. Enjoy your SITS Day.

  8. Very cute. I'm sure older and younger loved fishing!

    Happy SITS Day!

  9. Those are cute fish and a good idea for keeping little ones entertained. I'm not that crafty...I used to be until I had kids :)

    Happy SITS Day!!

  10. Such a cute idea! I'll pinning this to do with my son soon! Happy SITS Day!

    -Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy

  11. This is so cute. My daughter would probably like this! Happy SITS Day

  12. So cute! My son loves pretend fishing. Pinning this :)


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