Saturday, June 22, 2013

DIY kite

I recently read a great (though shocking) book "The Kite Runner," in which, among other things, talks about how the kite flying is the national sport in Afghanistan.

I would not say that kite flying is a national sport in my country but it sure is fun. Since last year I could not find a kite in the shops (whether because it is popular so it was sold out or maybe because it is not popular, so the shops don't offer kites - it's hard to tell), I decided to try to do something myself.

Instead of dowels, I used the parts of these old eating pads (I do not recommend buying these, they are very difficult to clean).

I've cut a longer and a shorter stick and pasted them with some "super glue." According to the dimensions of crossed sticks, I've cut out diamond shape out of plastic bags and attached it to the sticks (I used crepe tape).

I tied a piece of string at the longer stick and there it was, our kite was all set for flying!


We repeated the whole process once again (probably you've noticed the two different samples at the photos), to avoid sibling-fights, so that each of my girls can have her own kite. Who ever has got two children, knows what I'm talking about.

After the extreme heat, we finally have some mild wind here, so we quickly tried our kites. The girls enjoyed the preparation and in the right wind, the kites were happily flapping and we had so much fun.

I am definitely happy because of the fact the kites weren't torn apart at the first wind, as I was afraid of, so I believe that we will be playing with them the entire summer.

Let's play together!

Sweet and Savoury SundayDiscover & Explore Weekly Themed Linky

Diana-RamblesFluster Buster

We Made That


  1. Adorable! This made me remember my sweet childhood and my beloved father! Thanks so much! Would love to have you visit me sometime.
    Have a fabulous weekend and week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  2. Very cute! My kids are just now getting old enough to fly a kite so we will have to try this! Thanks for linking up at All Things Pretty!

  3. Looks like a great project. So glad they worked well for you as well.

  4. I haven't made a kite since I was a kid. I may have to try it again. Thanks for stopping by and linking up to Fluster Buster's Creative Muster Party! Looking forward to seeing what you're going to link up next week.

    Robin @ Fluster Buster

  5. Hello!
    I'm stopping by from Inspiration In Progress. Your kite is so beautiful - I never thought to make my own - my kids will love it! :)
