Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Homemade bubbles....small and large...

Summer is the perfect time for fun with all kinds of bubbles.

You can easily make your own bubble solution-  ideal is the mixture of distilled water, dishwashing liquid and sugar. Sugar is the secret ingredient which prevents the bubbles from bursting. Instead of sugar, you can use the gelatin or glycerin (available in pharmacies), but sugar was a winning combination for us.

We added 1 cup of dishwashing liquid and a half cup of sugar in 2 liters of water . Stir it gently, careful not to make too much foam. Also, it is not irrelevant what type of detergent you use - the best are those labeled as classic, while balsam and similar types do not provide very good results.

For making really huge bubbles you need two dowels connected with two pieces of string - where the upper is shorter than the lower and lower contains a metal ring (for pulling it down).

You can have the best results if you put the bubble solution overnight in the refrigerator and use it on a rainy day, when the air is more humid. Also, it is necessary to pull dowels really slowly.

Good fun guaranteed! 

Larger the bowl, happier the kids ...

We had so much fun....

If you cut a plastic bottle at the bottom and add a cotton sock to it, and then soak it in a mixture of water and dishwashing liquid, you can really get a lot of bubbles.

My girls called it "the bubble snakes."

I wish you a lot of refreshing fun during these hot summer days!

We Made ThatFluster Buster

Pinterest Power PartybuttonDiana-RamblesTeaching Mama 


  1. I’ve been looking for fun bubble activities for my daughter’s birthday party coming up. These are so great. Thanks for the tip on sugar…I hadn’t heard that one before!

  2. I have always wanted to know how to make bubbles! Thanks.

  3. We just love bubbles here! And you're right - the glycerin really helps. Visiting from Serenity Saturday!
    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

  4. Who doesn't like bubbles. Thanks for the recipe. These will be great when the grand kids come.
    I am a new GFC follower and G+.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  5. Bubbles are so much fun. I love how easy it is to make your own.

  6. I kid you not - I was just trying to find a good bubble recipe online that didn't require an ingredient that I had to milk a small goat to get. lol. I would have never thought of sugar. And the bubble sock idea? Cute! It's been raining non stop here in Atlanta, GA for the past few weeks. Bubbles are the perfect thing to keep my kids occupied. Great piece!

    New friend visiting from SITS :)

  7. Thanks so much for letting me know about the secret ingredient, I never would have guessed it was sugar or glycerin (which I have too). My boys love bubbles and I always felt silly paying for the solution. Stopping by from SITS.

  8. What a great summer time activity for the kiddos! Mine love bubbles! We're going to have to try this at home. Thanks so much for sharing at All Things Pretty!

  9. How cute! My daughter loves bubbles more than almost anything else.

  10. Looks like so much fun! I love the bubbles from the sock, neat.
    Thanks for linking up,

  11. Love the sock idea! Thanks for sharing at my Pin Me Linky Party!
