Sunday, July 21, 2013

Homemade moon dough

I'm pretty sure you have heard of moon dough and you know it has nothing to do with the Earth's satellite, but with the kids fun.

What is most fascinating about the whole story is that it requires only two ingredients, and the kids can be entertained for hours - yes, hours I said.

It surely is an example of a messy play - so I would definitely recommend it to be one of the outdoor games.

All you need is to mix flour and oil in a ratio of 8:1 (for example - 8 cups of flour with 1 cup of oil) - small hands will be more than happy to help with that:

You will get a mixture similar to modeling clay, but with a different, silky texture and much easier for shaping.

Put in a few plastic toys (we used a playdough set) and in no time you will get some "delicious cookies and ice cream", as my girls called it:

The girls came up with the idea to add some water, "because they wanted to make pizza dough, just like dad does" so the amount of messiness kind of culminated:

But they were having fun the entire afternoon - so tell me, who can pay for it?

Lemon Lime Adventures

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly LinkyWe Made That
 Sweet and Savoury Sunday
Teaching MamaFluster BusterDiana-Rambles



  1. This looks like a lot of fun and easy to do...I have the feeling my boy would be adding water, juice, yogurt and everything else to his "moon dough" Thank you for sharing, will give it a try!

  2. Looks fun. Wonder if I could try this with my nieces w/out them destroying my house.

  3. How awesome! I'm definitely going to do this with my kiddos. So glad you shared and that I found you on SITS. Have a great weekend!

  4. How fun! A great kids activity! Thanks for sharing at All Things Pretty!
